Mentoring Resources

I have put this page together to provide information and resources to my undergraduate mentees in the School of Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi. If you come across anything you think would be helpful to others, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it here for the benefit of other students.
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About the Advising Process

Intensive advisement in the School of Psychology takes place twice a year through the College’s Student Advisement and Support Centers. The Centers assist students year-round with most advising and course scheduling needs, including adding/dropping classes, selecting electives, obtaining a minor in Psychology, issues around suspension and probation, course substitutions, second degree seeking, selecting elective courses, completion of graduation paperwork, and more.

To access the Student Advisement and Support Centers in Hattiesburg, Psychology majors are directed to Center located on the first floor of Joseph Greene Hall (JGH 102). Contact Ms. Marisa Alawine ([email protected]) directly with advisement-related questions.


Mentoring can include many different topics, but some of the primary areas around which faculty mentors work with undergraduate students involve assisting those who are planning to apply to graduate programs in psychology improve their chances of success, assisting students who are planning to pursue careers in psychology or closely related fields, and informing students of relevant resources and opportunities on campus. Students who are planning to apply to graduate programs are strongly encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor to discuss their plans and make sure they are on the right track.

My undergraduate advisees can schedule mentoring appointments with me online.

Interested in Gaining Research Experience?

Psychology majors interested in gaining research experience to support their applications for graduate school are encouraged to consult the recently updated Research Opportunities document for information about faculty research labs.

Tips for Success

Here are some quick tips for success that fall into the category of things we might wish we had been told early in our academic career:

Additional Resources